Wednesday, 14 May 2008

More feral youths

Headline from DM 14th May 2008:
Police called to tackle a mob of drunken students who stormed their school after end of term party was cancelled

Favourite quote:

"One onlooker said 'it was like a scene from that Channel 4 show Skins - the kids were just going absolutely mad and there was nothing the teachers could do about it'"

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken yesterday at the school in Crawley, it clearly shows a crew of ill behaved youths playing havoc at their own school. Just like out of that show Skins.

Friday, 9 May 2008

Evil weed

Headline from DM 9th May 2008:
Gordon Brown made a brave and justified decision on cannabis

Favourite quote:

'Not a week goes by without more cases of young minds warped and lives destroyed by the potent new skunk variety of the drug'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken two months ago at a squat in Hackney, it clearly illustrates the dangers of this so-called 'skunk' and a poor young mind warped by its potent effects.

Click image to enlarge

Thursday, 8 May 2008

More criminal foreigners

Headline from DM 8th May 2008:
Thousands of 'unvetted' foreign criminals could be working at British airports

Favourite quote:

I think the headline takes some beating

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken at Heathrow last week, it clearly shows a motley crew of nasty, evil, foreign criminals brazenly working at one of our very own airports.

Click image to enlarge

Friday, 18 April 2008

Sacrebleu, what is zat smell?

Headline from DM 18th April, 2008:

Le Stink: England engulfed by terrible smell as freak weather blows in French stench

Favourite quote:

'A foul smell enveloped London and the Home Counties today but it has been blamed on a cloud of pungent fumes wafting over from France'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken earlier this morning it shows the apparent source of the smell - a typical French market that has been blown over the channel to Piccadilly Circus from Normandy.

Click image to enlarge

Thursday, 17 April 2008

'Hello! I'm over here! Hello! Hello?'

Headline from DM 17th April 2008:
'Brown was put on earth to remind people how good Tony Blair was'

Favourite quote:
"The Prime Minister was struggling to get noticed during his US trip. The New York Times pointed out his trip was overshadowed by Pope Benedict's arrival in the country...instead the PM found his visit mocked as 'Mr. Bean goes to America'"

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken yesterday outside the White House, it shows our beleaguered PM desperately trying, and failing, to get the attention of President Bush by juggling and riding a unicycle.

Click image to enlarge

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Not gone, nor forgotten

The voice of reason has not disappeared. It will return shortly. Very shortly.

Friday, 28 March 2008

You couldn't make it up!

Headline from DM 28th March 2008:
Merci Sarko! We CAN be proud to be British

Favourite quote:

'Our "way of life" is under constant assault'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last May Day it categorically shows this vicious assault on a good, proper, British way of life. Outside Buck Palace, no less.

Click image to enlarge

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Brief hiatus

Please excuse us, we will be taking a mini break from posting. I know it was a matter of days since we last went away but, hey, these things happen. Fear not, the voice of reason will be back so please keep the comments, ideas and idiotic musings coming in.

The voice of reason (TM)

Monday, 17 March 2008

More deadly insects

Headline from DM 17th March 2008:
Health chiefs warn of invasion of blood sucking tick which causes paralysis and death

Favourite quote:

"A deadly disease caused by blood sucking ticks is spreading rapidly across Europe.

"...even a picnic in the park or relaxing with a drink in the beer garden could expose you to the life-threatening illness."

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last summer in a park in Somerset, it shows these deadly ticks advancing on some unsuspecting picnicers. You have been warned.

Click image to enlarge.

Friday, 14 March 2008

Ah, Littlejohn

Headline from DM 14th March 2008:

No headline today, just this particular bon mot from everyone's favourite bigot, Littlejohn

"The government has come up with a new euphemism for illegal immigrants. We are being warned to expect an influx of 'climate change refugees' over the next few years.

"Up to 190,000 immigrants a year are on their way, according to ministers. This is the same government which told us we would get no more than 130,000 new arrivals from Eastern Europe. Last time anyone looked there were more than a million

"How long before the tent city of Lithuanians in Peterborough is packed out with Eskimos too?"

Well, much to Littlejohn's chagrin, it looks as if it has already happened. And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last month in a forest just outside Peterborough, it clearly shows that an Inuit family has made their home in this little corner of East Anglia.

Click image to enlarge

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Persecuting the Middle Classes. Again. As usual.

Headline from DM 13th March 2008:

Drinks tax soaks the middle class

Favourite quote:

'Alistair Darling was accused of penalising responsible middle class drinkers after announcing that the higher duty will add 4p to the price of a pint of beer...but just 3p on alcopops won't curb teen binges.'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken shortly after yesterday's budget, it shows a typical teenage drinking binge taking place in Hertfordshire whilst hapless, hard-working middle class families look on in horror at the thought they will have to pay an extra 8p for a bottle of Merlot. And more tax on their fucking four wheel drive cars.

Click image to enlarge

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Sex fights

Headline from DM 12th March 2008:

MPs go to war with bishop over lessons in sex morals

Favourite quote:

It doesn't get any better than the headline.

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last month in a remote corner of the Middle East it clearly shows that not only are we at war with insurgency forces in Iraq, British troops are also fighting against the might of the Catholic church.

Click image to enlarge.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Ripe for milking

Headline from DM 11th March 2008:
Milking the middle classes

Favourite quote:

The above headline is pretty spectacular as is this gem: 'The Tories accused the Prime Minister of leading a "war against the middle classes" by pushing up the cost of living with extra duty on wine, beer and spirits.'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last week on a farm in south Wales it appears to show the 'milking' of respectable middle class families with a furtive looking Alastair Darling looking on. 

Click image to enlarge

Monday, 10 March 2008

National Identity Crisis!

Headline from DM 10th March 2008:
What's the point of citizenship classes when we've already surrendered our national identity?

Favourite quote:

'Britain currently seems to be in a state of permanent uproar about its national identity. Brits don't seem to know what it is anymore, while immigrants flock to these shores in vast numbers to claim it for themselves.'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last weekend in Portsmouth it appears to show vast numbers of immigrants stealing the national identity of hard-working British born Brits. 

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Thank you!

Dear y'all, 

Thanks for your wonderful message so far. We're having a great time doing the blog and words of support from everyone make it totally worth while and thoroughly enjoyable. The Voice of Reason (TM) is going to be away from his computer for a few days so posts may be sporadic but rest assured we will be back bigger, better and more scathing than ever before. 

Please keep you messages coming in and spread the word. 

Big love, 

The Voice of Reason (TM). x

Friday, 29 February 2008

Public sector workers get rich on YOUR taxes

Headline from DM 29th February 2008:
A fifth of your council tax is paying for 'gold plated' pensions at the town hall

Favourite quote:

"The country's 1.6 million local government employees have 'gold plated' final salary pensions, while many in the private sector face retiring on a pittance."

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last summer in Leeds it shows Sheila Dawkins, a former tea lady for Leeds City Council, with her gold plated pension, gold plated hat and gold plated Porsche whilst two retired insurance brokers have to resort to begging in order to bolster their meagre pensions. 

Click image to enlarge

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Deadly Blair

Headline from DM 28th February 2008:

But one man still derides 'Blair's heirs'

Favourite quote:

"David Cameron has contaminated the Conservatives with the 'poison' of Tony Blair, Lord Tebbit warns today"

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken at last year's Tory party conference in Richmond, Yorkshire it appears to show David Cameron dropping 'Blair poison' onto a lovely Victoria sponge cake baked by Theresa Villiers MP. 

click image to enlarge

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Re-writing the archaeological record

Headline from DM 27th February 2008:

The price of turning a blind eye

Runner-up quote:

'As a woman, I have found the past ten days deeply disturbing. It feels like we're trapped in an episode of The Sweeney' (if you wish to provide photographic evidence, entries will be published)

Favourite quote:

'Of course, random psychopaths will always surface from time to time but this trio of misogynist maniacs feels more like a symptom of a sick society than an unhappy coincidence. They recall a time when Neanderthals still stalked the land and 'Er indoors accepted that a drunken belting was the price to be paid for housekeeping money.'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Speaking as one who studied archaeology at university, I was surprised by the author's assertion that Homo Neanderthalensis drank, provided house keeping money and engaged in spousal abuse but this photograph, taken in East Anglia 47,000 years ago proves me wrong. 

NB - It was the casual flippancy of the comment that angered me rather than the subject matter. In no way should these actions be vindicated and the subject matter is disturbing but to report them in such an off-hand fashion is inexcusable. In my opinion. Please feel free to add your two penneth. 

Click image to enlarge

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Invasion by the devil's pets!

Headline from DM February 26th 2008:

Ant from hell heads for Britain

Favourite quote:

The above headline. 

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken yesterday in a typical middle class garden in Guildford, it shows Beelzebub's very own swarm of ants invading Britain from the depths of Hell. 

Click image to enlage

Monday, 25 February 2008

Udderly Ridiculous

Headline from DM February 25th 2008:

Could the calves of Britain's first cloned cow get lost in the food chain?

Favourite quote:

'Britain's first offspring of a cloned cow is to be sold at public auction, prompting fears that the food chain is open to Frankenstein farming.'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last week at a farm in Wiltshire it shows, without any doubt, this 'Frankenstein farming' taking place with flagrant disregard for the consequences. 

Click image to enlarge

Saturday, 23 February 2008

Argh! Invasion! Panic!

Headline from DM February 23rd 2008:

'We've lost control of our borders for the first time since 1066' says judge after foreign detainees riot

Favourite quote:

All of it. The whole article is tremendous, groundbreaking journalism summed up rather marvellously by the headline. 

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last October on Hastings beach it does indeed show the loss of control of our borders for the first time since 1066. 

Click image to enlarge

Friday, 22 February 2008

Binge Britain

Headline from DM February 22nd 2008

Binge Britain: an epidemic that is destroying lives 

Favourite quote:

But bingeing is also linked with the knifings and batterings that are ever more commonplace on our violent streets

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last Friday afternoon, it shows the average British high street during half term with feral youths out of their faces on bargain booze and weed-crack terrorising the likes of Anthea Turner and other upstanding members of the English Middle Classes

Click to enlarge image

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Passports! Get your passports!

Headline from DM February 21st 2008:

The great passport giveaway: Up to 250,000 foreigners to get UK citizenship every year

Favourite quote:

'Even murderers and rapists could be entitled to a passport if their homeland is considered too dangerous under human rights law for them to be deported'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken on Brighton beach just three days ago it appears to show Home Secretary Jacqui Smith doling out passports like sweets to all and sundry. 

cick image to enlarge

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Al Fayed IS a clown...

Headline from DM February 20th 2008:

Al Fayed appears to be a buffoon, but he's a dangerous monster ruining reputations

Favourite quote:

'This clown is the same man who destroyed the Princess of Wales'

And here is the evidence to prove it, taken just hours before the crash on that fateful night:

Click image to enlarge

Hello and welcome...

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere. 

I am here to make a confession:

All along I thought that the Daily Mail was a bigoted, right-wing, fascist, small-minded, homophobic, sexist, racist, self-righteous, odious, hypocritical and patronising publication but it turns out I was wrong. Oops. Sorry about that. 

In order to act as penance for my sins, each day I will take one story at random from this much maligned newspaper and find photographic evidence to bolster the stories written those hard-working hacks. I hope to change some of your minds along the way. 

Thanks for reading.

The Voice of Reason (TM)