Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Re-writing the archaeological record

Headline from DM 27th February 2008:

The price of turning a blind eye

Runner-up quote:

'As a woman, I have found the past ten days deeply disturbing. It feels like we're trapped in an episode of The Sweeney' (if you wish to provide photographic evidence, entries will be published)

Favourite quote:

'Of course, random psychopaths will always surface from time to time but this trio of misogynist maniacs feels more like a symptom of a sick society than an unhappy coincidence. They recall a time when Neanderthals still stalked the land and 'Er indoors accepted that a drunken belting was the price to be paid for housekeeping money.'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Speaking as one who studied archaeology at university, I was surprised by the author's assertion that Homo Neanderthalensis drank, provided house keeping money and engaged in spousal abuse but this photograph, taken in East Anglia 47,000 years ago proves me wrong. 

NB - It was the casual flippancy of the comment that angered me rather than the subject matter. In no way should these actions be vindicated and the subject matter is disturbing but to report them in such an off-hand fashion is inexcusable. In my opinion. Please feel free to add your two penneth. 

Click image to enlarge

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