Friday, 29 February 2008

Public sector workers get rich on YOUR taxes

Headline from DM 29th February 2008:
A fifth of your council tax is paying for 'gold plated' pensions at the town hall

Favourite quote:

"The country's 1.6 million local government employees have 'gold plated' final salary pensions, while many in the private sector face retiring on a pittance."

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last summer in Leeds it shows Sheila Dawkins, a former tea lady for Leeds City Council, with her gold plated pension, gold plated hat and gold plated Porsche whilst two retired insurance brokers have to resort to begging in order to bolster their meagre pensions. 

Click image to enlarge

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Deadly Blair

Headline from DM 28th February 2008:

But one man still derides 'Blair's heirs'

Favourite quote:

"David Cameron has contaminated the Conservatives with the 'poison' of Tony Blair, Lord Tebbit warns today"

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken at last year's Tory party conference in Richmond, Yorkshire it appears to show David Cameron dropping 'Blair poison' onto a lovely Victoria sponge cake baked by Theresa Villiers MP. 

click image to enlarge

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Re-writing the archaeological record

Headline from DM 27th February 2008:

The price of turning a blind eye

Runner-up quote:

'As a woman, I have found the past ten days deeply disturbing. It feels like we're trapped in an episode of The Sweeney' (if you wish to provide photographic evidence, entries will be published)

Favourite quote:

'Of course, random psychopaths will always surface from time to time but this trio of misogynist maniacs feels more like a symptom of a sick society than an unhappy coincidence. They recall a time when Neanderthals still stalked the land and 'Er indoors accepted that a drunken belting was the price to be paid for housekeeping money.'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Speaking as one who studied archaeology at university, I was surprised by the author's assertion that Homo Neanderthalensis drank, provided house keeping money and engaged in spousal abuse but this photograph, taken in East Anglia 47,000 years ago proves me wrong. 

NB - It was the casual flippancy of the comment that angered me rather than the subject matter. In no way should these actions be vindicated and the subject matter is disturbing but to report them in such an off-hand fashion is inexcusable. In my opinion. Please feel free to add your two penneth. 

Click image to enlarge

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Invasion by the devil's pets!

Headline from DM February 26th 2008:

Ant from hell heads for Britain

Favourite quote:

The above headline. 

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken yesterday in a typical middle class garden in Guildford, it shows Beelzebub's very own swarm of ants invading Britain from the depths of Hell. 

Click image to enlage

Monday, 25 February 2008

Udderly Ridiculous

Headline from DM February 25th 2008:

Could the calves of Britain's first cloned cow get lost in the food chain?

Favourite quote:

'Britain's first offspring of a cloned cow is to be sold at public auction, prompting fears that the food chain is open to Frankenstein farming.'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last week at a farm in Wiltshire it shows, without any doubt, this 'Frankenstein farming' taking place with flagrant disregard for the consequences. 

Click image to enlarge

Saturday, 23 February 2008

Argh! Invasion! Panic!

Headline from DM February 23rd 2008:

'We've lost control of our borders for the first time since 1066' says judge after foreign detainees riot

Favourite quote:

All of it. The whole article is tremendous, groundbreaking journalism summed up rather marvellously by the headline. 

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last October on Hastings beach it does indeed show the loss of control of our borders for the first time since 1066. 

Click image to enlarge

Friday, 22 February 2008

Binge Britain

Headline from DM February 22nd 2008

Binge Britain: an epidemic that is destroying lives 

Favourite quote:

But bingeing is also linked with the knifings and batterings that are ever more commonplace on our violent streets

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last Friday afternoon, it shows the average British high street during half term with feral youths out of their faces on bargain booze and weed-crack terrorising the likes of Anthea Turner and other upstanding members of the English Middle Classes

Click to enlarge image

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Passports! Get your passports!

Headline from DM February 21st 2008:

The great passport giveaway: Up to 250,000 foreigners to get UK citizenship every year

Favourite quote:

'Even murderers and rapists could be entitled to a passport if their homeland is considered too dangerous under human rights law for them to be deported'

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken on Brighton beach just three days ago it appears to show Home Secretary Jacqui Smith doling out passports like sweets to all and sundry. 

cick image to enlarge

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Al Fayed IS a clown...

Headline from DM February 20th 2008:

Al Fayed appears to be a buffoon, but he's a dangerous monster ruining reputations

Favourite quote:

'This clown is the same man who destroyed the Princess of Wales'

And here is the evidence to prove it, taken just hours before the crash on that fateful night:

Click image to enlarge

Hello and welcome...

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere. 

I am here to make a confession:

All along I thought that the Daily Mail was a bigoted, right-wing, fascist, small-minded, homophobic, sexist, racist, self-righteous, odious, hypocritical and patronising publication but it turns out I was wrong. Oops. Sorry about that. 

In order to act as penance for my sins, each day I will take one story at random from this much maligned newspaper and find photographic evidence to bolster the stories written those hard-working hacks. I hope to change some of your minds along the way. 

Thanks for reading.

The Voice of Reason (TM)