Friday, 22 February 2008

Binge Britain

Headline from DM February 22nd 2008

Binge Britain: an epidemic that is destroying lives 

Favourite quote:

But bingeing is also linked with the knifings and batterings that are ever more commonplace on our violent streets

And here is the evidence to prove it. Taken last Friday afternoon, it shows the average British high street during half term with feral youths out of their faces on bargain booze and weed-crack terrorising the likes of Anthea Turner and other upstanding members of the English Middle Classes

Click to enlarge image


Anonymous said...


I mean, dear god, what IS this cuntry coming to. All these planning people at the council need to take their share of the blame for building new towns.

I'm leaving in my typo! ;-)

DMisright said...

Thank you. Glad you like it. Nice typo too.